Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Mrs. Barrera's home room students are against bullying!!!! They wore orange to show their support for anti-bullying. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

Week of October 20-24, 2014

        We FINALLY finished reading the novel "The Outsiders"!!!!!  What did you think about the novel? Did you like the ending? Can you relate to Ponyboy or any of the Greasers?
        This week we will be reviewing and taking a final novel exam over the entire book.  I expect the absolute best from all of my students.  If you read the novel throughout the course, you will ace this test.

  • Study for the test!
  • Book fair this week!
  • Ryan Guillen presentation on Tuesday!
  • Jamaica during 4th period on Wednesday!
  • College t-shirt day on Thursday!

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Duke pride!!!!!

Mrs. Barrera's home room class is excited to show off their Duke university t-shirts! 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week of October 13-17, 2014

This week we will FINALLY finish reading the novel "The Outsiders" by S. E. Hinton. We will read the last three chapters of the novel. What do you think about the ending of the novel? Did you like the ending or could you think of a better ending? 

Discussion questions are due on a daily basis. 
Quiz on chapters 10-12 on Friday!
"The Outsiders" final project is due October 30th!!!
Wear your home room college t-shirt on Thursday! 
$8.00 for "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas" is due Wednesday! 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Week of October 6-10,2014

Congratulations to all my 7th grade reading students! They did an amazing job on their reading first six weeks exam!!! I am very proud of all of you. 
Now that we are done with the first half of "The Outsiders" we need to continue and finish this novel strong. We will read chapters 7-9 this week. Be sure to remember what you anticipated before we started reading the novel. You will be surprised with how things have changed or gotten worse between the 'Greasers' and the 'Socs'. 

Discussion questions are due on a daily basis. 
Quiz on chapters 7-9 on Friday. 
Wear any orange accessory for Anti-Bullying month!
Thursday is college shirt day. 
If anyone still needs to turn in university t-shirt money. Please do so ASAP.